The Alpine Echoes Band plays music for happy occasions, specializing in German, Scandinavian, and folk dance music. We play for your dancing or listening pleasure. We include several teaching dances for audience participation (both adult and children) and also perform some authentic folk dances to our music. Polkas, waltzes, swing, county western, fox trot, schottisches, hambos, specialty folk dances, and the chicken dance are some of the types of music we perform. Several members of the band are also in the Tirolean Dancers of Oregon, a separate group. The Tirolean Dancers perform exciting dances from many countries, specializing in Austrian and German dances. They perform at Oktoberfests and other festivals throughout the Northwest.
The Alpine Echoes Band plays music from Germany, Austria, France, Russia, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, the United States and other countries.
Orchestration includes accordion, clarinet, tuba, flute, banjo, bass, fiddle, trumpet, drums, Austrian cowbells, and vocals.